One of our biggest assets and offerings to you as a client is this exceptional team of people we have gathered to help you along your journey to Wellness. From the moment you call to inquire, to the day you graduate from your Plan of Care, we are all dedicated to your road to recovery.
Clinical Staff

Patricia Martinez, Owner
Patricia founded Sebastopol Physical Therapy Wellness Clinic in 1991. It has been her intention to provide consistent excellence in physical therapy and wellness care to this community despite the rocky climate of medical health care in this country. She is very proud to have been successful in this endeavor and to continue to provide excellent Physical Therapy and Target Therapies for self care.

Shirley Cook, DPT
Shirley Cook is a Doctor of physical therapy with over 30 years of experience. Shirley grew up in Wisconsin where she attended the University of Wisconsin graduating with honors with a degree in Physical Therapy. Over the the past 30 plus years she has accumulated extensive professional experience which includes working in acute hospitals (in WI and SF), home health, and outpatient rehabilitation facilities. Having experienced a variety of physical therapy settings, gives Shirley a wide base of experience and knowledge which she brings to our clinic. In addition to being highly skilled assessing and treating patients for functional impairments and musculoskeletal injuries, Shirley has a strong foundation in working with individuals with orofacial (headaches and TMJ pain), chronic pain and vestibular dysfunction(vertigo problems). She is comfortable and skilled treating individuals with orthopedic challenges arising in all stages of life.

Cairyl Gardner, CMT
Cairyl has been a massage therapist since 2001. She is trained in Swedish, Shiatsu, Neuromuscular Therapy, Advanced Therapeutic Training, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Cupping, Aquatic Massage Watsu, Class IV Laser application and Fascial Stretch Therapy. Blending all of these disciplines together enables her to create her own unique treatment in order to meet the specific needs of her patients. Cairyl can assist her clients with stress reduction, improving flexibility/ range of motion, pain relief, improved circulation, and relaxation. With her technical skills and nurturing intentions, her touch conveys safety and ease and her patients experience positive outcomes. In addition, Cairyl is one of the team members who administers Laser treatments and Target Therapies as part of our REVITALIZE WELLNESS PROGRAM.

Amanda Newman, MA
Amanda has a master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and is a certified Yoga and fitness teacher. Her fitness certifications include Functional Range Conditioning, Yoga Tune Up, SAIL (stay active and independent for life), and CrossFit. Amanda is a graduate of The New England School of Acupuncture, a student of meditation, and has worked in the health and healing space for the past four decades.

Adrianna Kalember, CMT
Adrianna Kalember has an extraordinary ability to help others heal. Her abilities mirror her capacity to hold all forms of pain with compassion, authentic insight, and the knowing of how to move forward towards comfort. Adrianna is a remarkably skilled deep tissue massage therapist of over 22 years and a gifted Reiki Master of three decades. A few years ago she was introduced to Radial Shockwave Therapy, a state of the art, advanced technology that saved her massage career. It was so impactful on her life that she invested in a sophisticated machine in order to offer this form of non-invasive, highly effected therapy to others that they too might benefit. For more information on Adrianna and the many healing modalities she offers, please visit her website at

Misty Black, Pilates Instructor
Misty practiced physical therapy 2005-2022, most of which has been at Sebastopol Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio using Pilates as her tool to return clients back to function and their former lifestyle. She has chosen to focus on the Pilates aspect of her services in order to offer strengthening and wellness through independent instruction at the Sebastopol Wellness Clinic. As a child, Misty competed at a national level in swimming for 13 years and played water polo for 6 years. In 1995, Misty underwent surgical spinal fusion, secondary to her scoliosis. Her scoliosis is believed to be the result of her hypermobility disorder, Ehler’s-Danlos Syndrome. This has presented some physical challenges that she has had to overcome. In doing so, she has learned how to improve her own strength and wellness which she uses to assist her clients today.
Pilates has played a large role in her returning to function. Her physical therapy background has given her many years of practice studying and training clients in proper body movement and function. She is also trained in manual techniques such as Jones Strain Counterstrain, Maitlin, Mulligan and several more. Misty has lived in Sebastopol since 1999 with her husband and enjoys outdoor activities such as running, bicycling, camping, swimming, 4 wheeling, endurance races and spending time with her two children.

Maria Corrales, CMT
Bio coming soon...

Coty Hogue, DPT
Bio coming soon...
Administrative Team

Geri Fernandes, Office Manager
with a Bachelors in Biology from St. Thomas Aquinas College in New York. She has over 30 years of physical therapy office experience and has been with Sebastopol Physical Therapy Wellness Clinic since 2014. She is in charge of every day office operations, along with all billing/insurance responsibilities. Geri is passionate about helping others and puts patient needs above all else. When not in the office, you will find Geri spending time with her husband on long walks and hikes. She has a passion for hockey, as her 2 sons have played their entire life. Her oldest son still plays hockey in college, while her younger son is an avid scratch golfer.

Tammy Williams, Front Desk Coordinator
Tammy is the first point of contact when you enter our office. She has over 10 years of medical office experience and brings a strong blend of customer service and organizational skills to our clinic. Tammy is trained in providing modalities offered through our Wellness Clinic. These include H Wave and TENS Vagus Nerve deregulation. When Tammy is not working, you will find her spending time with her children and granddaughter. She enjoys nature and hiking.